Update #2 – A few changes made

I’ve been hard at work trying to bring you FitIgniter to you as soon as possible. During our revamp, I have made a few changes to FitIgniter to bring a more pleasant experience.
First off, I have removed the food section. If you didn’t know already, this section basically was a database of normal foods such as nuts, fruits and so forth… but I felt that this area wasn’t really a priority and could be expanded on at a later date. Because of this, I have decided that it was best for the food section to be temporarily removed because I would rather provide features that have been worked on with full dedication rather than something that has been made with minimal effort.
Secondly, the websites region can be changed by editing the websites URL. No longer do you have to manually select the region if you wish to browse it, now you can just simply add the region code at the beginning of the domain and it will automatically navigate to its region. (eg http://uk.fitigniter.com). The current regions supported so far is UK and US.
Users cannot now submit exercises and supplements until I feel that FitMonstr has evolved to the point where it is essentially “self-sustaining”. Because so much data needs to be added before/during the launch, I believe its best that I disable users from submitting their own data until the database is at a relatively stable state. This is because it will be too much work to moderate each individual submission at the beginning. However, users can still edit current information on the data.

This entry was posted on Sunday 26 June 2016. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Responses are currently closed.