Introduction to FitIgniter

This first post will give an overview on what FitIgniter  actually is, what this blog will be used for and the stage FitIgniter it is currently at.
So first things first, FitIgniter is a health and fitness database that provides easy access to information on exercises, workouts, supplements and more. It also contains price comparison for supplements so you can find the best deals for your favorite products.
What makes FitIgniter different to other websites such as and is how the information is presented to the user. I wanted to make FitIgniter have a very seamless user experience so that the information can be accessed quickly and efficiently without much thought or navigation. The information can also be added and updated by the community.
This blog basically keeps you updated on the stage FitIgniter is at during it’s development. It allows you to be in the loop on all things around the development side.
At the moment, FitIgniter is in a relatively stable condition at the moment, however, everything in the backend is a complete and utter mess. I started this project last year around June to help work on my PHP development skills I learned during uni but I didn’t really have a grasp on how big this project actually was. Because of this, the entire website is built with procedural code which essentially means that the code is everywhere and extremely hard to read. It also uses a lot of deprecated functions such as mysql_connect() and I aim to change that by doing a complete code overhaul and implementing object oriented principles.
As most of the code is still there but just needs updated, hopefully it won’t take a long time to complete the overhaul. I’m hoping that it will be released in the latter part of July.
Thanks for reading and I’m looking forward to blogging the development stages of FitIgniter over at

This entry was posted on Monday 30 May 2016. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Responses are currently closed.